Protophoto Master Index
Welcome to This web site includes several thousand pictures of towns, roads and scenery from the Mountain West. The goal of this project is to present a sampling of the things that you might see if you were to visit the area.
I am building this web site in conjunction with the community directories listed on Community Color. Funding for this expensive project comes from select advertisers. Consider shopping online.
My goal as a photographer is a little bit different from that of professional or photo journalistic photographers. My primary goal is simply to show what exists in a location. If there is a telephone pole in the view, then the picture will include the telephone pole.
This is a large site. You can navigate to an interesting region with the menu on the left. You will find the most recent pictures on the New Photos page and essays about the photos on my blog.
Alliance Residential Company ( 4 pictures): Pictures of Alliance Residential Company s apartments
Alternative Energy ( 6 pictures): Pictures involving solar panels, windmills and other forms of alternative energy.
Antelope Island ( 3 pictures): Pictures of Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ( 1 pictures): Pictures of Elk Lodges
Coronavirus 2020 ( 21 pictures): This gallery shows things that happened because of the Corona Virus.
Cycling ( 23 pictures): pictures of cyclists, bikes or related to cycling.
Davis Park ( 6 pictures): Pictures of the area between Foothills Drive and Sunnyside.
Doodle Project ( 8 pictures): I intend to create an infinite doodle.
Fire Hydrants ( 2 pictures): Fire Hydrants and standpipes are interesting objects built specifically for fire suppression.
Found Objects ( 8 pictures): Found objects
GPS Photo Contest ( 5 pictures): I decided to start a GPS photo contest on SteemIt and HIVE.
Gazebo ( 4 pictures): Pictures of gazebos.
Granny s Chili ( 26 pictures): I took pictures while preparing a batch of Granny s Chili in the dutch oven.
Hives ( 21 pictures): Pictures of Hives for the Hive Blog.
Home Goods ( 2 pictures):
Kiwanas ( 1 pictures):
Mailboxes ( 6 pictures): Pictures of mailboxes that I encounter on my walks
Pools Saunas and Recreational Water ( 1 pictures): Gallery shows pools, saunas and other recreational water features that I encounter.
Recreation Centers ( 1 pictures): This gallery shows recreation centers.
Reflection ( 3 pictures):
Replacing the Breakers ( 6 pictures): We replaced the breakers coming into the house.
Sheds ( 1 pictures): Pictures of sheds
Starbucks Coffee ( 3 pictures): Pictures related to Starbucks Coffee that I encounter in my meanderings.
Tannus Airless Tires ( 16 pictures): I bought and installed a set of Tannus Airless Tires.
Ticket Trap ( 16 pictures): Salt Lake City uses clever traps to give tickets to visitors.
Train Stations ( 2 pictures): pictures of train station
Utah State Road 65 ( 9 pictures): Pictures along Utah State Road 65
Wells Fargo ( 9 pictures): Picture of the Wells Fargo Bank on Highland Drive in Holladay, Utah
icicles ( 3 pictures):
Total Pictures: 217