Tooele is a small Utah town just south of the Great Salt Lake. The town is on the west side of the Oquirrh mountains. It is popular with people who work in Salt Lake City, but who desire to live in a small town setting.
Salt Lake City (484 pictures) Tooele is west of Salt Lake City.
Interstate 80 (103 pictures) Tooele is south of I80. The town is on the east side of the Salt Flats.
Oquirrh Mountains (39 pictures) Tooele is on the west slope of the Oquirrh Mountains.
Great Salt Lake (41 pictures) The Great Salt Lake is North of Tooele.
Stansbury Island (47 pictures) This gallery shows pictures of Stansbury Island and the Stansbury Mountains which define the Western side of the Tooele Valley.