Suicide Rock (2013-12-03) The East side of this rock at the Mouth of Parley's Canyon has a sharp jagged drop. I remember it as easy climbing; although I think it foolish to climb things without a rope.
Utility Road (2013-12-03) This utility road runs from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail to Parleys Creek. Apparently a utility vehicle drove down the road earlier.
I215 Bridge (2013-12-03) This is the bridge over I215 viewed from the Suicide Rock area.
The Tube (2013-12-03) Parley's Creek heads through this culvert under I215. During the Spring Runoff kids shoot the tube on homemade water slides.
Communication Tower (2013-12-03) This communication tower overlooks Parleys Canyon.
Parley s Ruins (2013-12-03) There is a number of old cement pillars on the hillside overlooking the mouth of Parleys Canyon.
Into the Mountains (2013-12-03) Interstate 80 heads up Parleys Canyon on a snowy December day.
Parleys Creek (2013-02-15) The little retention pond in Sugarhouse Park reduces to swampy stream for the ducks and seagulls. Grandeur Peak is in the distance.
Caution High Water (2013-02-15) An impressively large sign next to Parleys Creek warns of high water ... making me wonder what the creek\\'s been smoking. (Uh, the water level was high a few years back)
Parleys Creek (2013-02-15) Parleys Creek in Sugar House Park.
Checking out the Culvert (2007-09-24) Coco is checking out the culvert that passes below I215.
Parleys Creek Bridg (2006-07-03) People going to the fourth of July Celebration in Sugarhouse Park.
Parleys Creek (2006-07-03) Parleys Creek in Sugarhouse Park (just before entering the pond).
Parleys Creek in Sugarhouse (2006-07-03) Parleys Creek in Sugarhouse Park.
Parley s Creek (2004-08-14) Coco discovers the waters of Parley's Creek near Parley's Crossing. NOTE, it is not safe to drink the water from Parley's Creek...especially after Coco got in it.
Parley s Culvert (2004-09-01) This culvert runs under I215 connecting Parley's Hollow and Parley's Crossing. There is a proposal to create a tunnel for pedestrians.
Parley s Creek (2004-09-01) Parley's Creek running through Parleys Hollow. Parleys Creek is a major source of water in the Salt Lake Valley.
Aqueduct (2004-09-01) An aqueduct built by the ancient Nephites. Parley's Creek was a major source of water for the early pioneers. Apparently, they built an aqueduct to divert water to the population in the city.
Coco in Parley s Creek (2004-09-01) Coco is out for a quick swim.
Bridge over The River Parleys (2004-09-01) Foot bridge across Parley's Creek.
43 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-43
Parleys Canyon is one of the primary canyons on the Wasatch Front. Parleys Canyon is just south of Emigration Canyon. The first emigrants in the Salt Lake Valley chose to go through Emigration as the canyon is more open than Parleys Canyon. The first major roads into the Salt Lake Valley chose to follow Parleys Creek.
Today the canyon is dominated by Interstate 80. The creek itself runs through a system of piped below the interstate.
There are currently two reservoirs on the creek (Little Dell and Mountain Dell. The pioneers built a small dam on the creek adjacent to Suicide Rock at the mouth of Parleys canyon.
The creek runs through the Parleys Nature Park and Sugar House Park and eventually drains into the Jordan River and into the Great Salt Lake.