Heber City

74 Pictures: 0-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 61-74

Heber City

Heber City is the county seat of Wasatch County in Central Utah. The Heber Valley sits between the rolling Uintah Mountains on the East and the towering Wasatch Mountains on the East.

During the Winter, Heber is a haven for cross country and nordic skiing. Soldier's Hollow (East of Heber) was an official venue of the 2002 Salt Lake Games. The Wasatch Mountain Park has a maintained ski run. Back Country Skiers use Heber as a base for adventures into the Wasatch and Unitahs.

Heber City is just East of the Provo River. The Jordanelle Reservoir is a few miles North of town and the Bear Creek Reservoir is a few miles South of town. Boating enthusiasts have been known to take US40 East to visit Strawberry Reservoir in the Uintahs.


Context: Towns-Utah