Linaceae Family
1-8 Pictures
Flax (2009-06-15) Usually used as a food source, flax adds a hint of light blue to a garden.
Flax going to Seed (2006-07-08) Flax going to seed.
Lewis Flax (2006-07-28) Lewis' Flax (Linum perenne) has notably large blue blossoms for flax.
Blue Flax and Geraniums (2006-07-28) The Blue Flax (lower left) is the same size as the geraniums in the background.
Flax (2006-09-17) A beautiful specimen of flax found at Churchill Junior High. We stole some seeds and will plant. This particular plant was blooming in September, when other plants have gone to seed.
Flax (2006-09-17) Flax growing at Churchill Junior High in Salt Lake.
Flax (2006-09-17)
Flax (2006-09-17) An intriguing specimen of Flax at Churchill Junior High.
1-8 Pictures
Linaceae Family The Linaceae (Linseed) Family is a group of some 250 species of flowering plants. The largest genus in the Family is the Linum, also know as flax. Species in this family are often cultivated for their oils.
Context: Flowers
Wildflowers (123 pictures) Pictures of wildflowers.
Seeds (12 pictures) Pictures of plants going to seed.