Butterfly on Thistle (2008-07-01) A butterfly graces a thistle in Neff Canyon.
Wet Penstemon (2009-06-15) The penstemon are enjoying an unusually wet Spring.
Buttercup (2007-05-14) The area around Lake Blanche was covered with this delightful alpine buttercups.
Alpine buttercup (2007-05-14) The flowers of the alpine buttercups near Lake Blanche have an glistening white sheen.
Spring Beauties (2006-05-18) These little Spring Beauties were growing under a on the trail in Neffs Canyon. Watch where you tread. Don't stomp on beautiful things. These are the in Purslane Family (Portulacaceae Claytonia ???).
Wallflowers (2006-05-18) Wall Flowers (Brassicaceae Erysimum spp.) along the road to The Terraces in Mill Creek Canyon.
Wallflower Collection (2006-05-18) A collection of Wallflowers at The Terraces in Mill Creek Canyon.
Oregon Grape (2006-05-18) This picture shows Oregon Grapes in bloom. They are the in Mahonia genus of the Berberidaceae family.
Arnica (2006-05-18) Arnica growing along the Bowman Trail. Arnica is in the Sunflower family (Asteraceae)\r\n
Arnica (2006-05-18) Arnica blooming in the early Spring. Arnica is in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family.\r\n
Spring Beaty (2001-05-07) Taken in Bells Canyon in the Wasatch Mountains.
Native Dandylion (2001-05-25) A Native Flower similar to the dandylion...near Mount Borah (taken with autofocus camera).
Black Tops (2001-08-26) Autofocus cameras rarely work with flowers.
Thimble Berries (2002-06-01) These bright white thimble berry flowers will turn into delectible berries.
Buttercups (2006-04-26) I believe this is the subalpine buttercup. It is in the Ranunculaceae family. They bloom shortly after the snow melt.
Spring Beauty (2006-04-26) I focused on the white Spring Beauty with three yellow buttercups in the foreground.
Spring Lily (2006-04-26) An Glacial Lily preparing to Spring.
Spring Beauty (2006-04-26) Trying to get a close up of a Spring Beauty.
Wildflower (2001-05-07)
Desert Flowers (2003-05-26)
123 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 60-80 , 80-100 , 100-120 , 120-123
When visiting the Mountain West, one should take the time to view the beautiful wildflowers lining trails and mountainsides. This gallery includes images of Wildflowers.
Although I am not a professional botanist, I will try include family and genus with the pictures. When I feel daring, I will include the species. Feel free to correct my mistakes. See Flowers by Family for my best guesses at classifying the plants.