Desolation Canyon
169 Pictures: 0-20 , 20-40 , 41-60 , 60-80 , 80-100 , 100-120 , 120-140 , 140-160 , 160-169
This is a set of pictures that I took while floating Desolation Canyon in late August 2002. The pictures are ordered from the top of the river to the bottom. There is well over a hundred pictures in this set. I present them in blocks of twenty.
We had three boats...a 16' raft and a 10' raft. I was in an Inflatable Kayak. We saw a great variety of wildlife along the shores including bears, wild horses, bighorn sheep, blue herons and the every illusive "feral cow."
Context: Desert
- Utah State (60 pictures) Desolation Canyon is on the Green River in Eastern Utah. The caynon is in one of the largest sections of the United States not bisected by a road.
- Rivers (1 pictures) The Green River is one of the major water ways in the Western US. Its headwaters are in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming. It flows through Flaming Gorge Reservoir and cuts through Colorado and Utah before reaching the Colorado River.
- Interstate 70 (51 pictures) The take out from Desolation Canyon is about 10 miles north of the East Exit for I70 in Green River, Utah. (About 50 miles north of Moab.
- Colorado River (96 pictures) The Green River eventually flows into the Colorado River south of Desolation Canyon.