Wasatch Boulevard

80 Pictures: 0-20 , 20-40 , 41-60 , 60-80

Foothill Drive and Wasatch Boulevard wrap around the east end of the Salt Lake Valley. The new Bonneville Trail bridges on Parley's canyon makes it easier to ride your bikes from the University along the base of the mountains to Draper. There are a few steep hills on the road, as it drops at the entrance of Big and Little Cottonwood canyon.

The headquarters for overstock.com are at the base of Big Cottonwood Canyon...which justifies my putting an ad on this page.

The Mill Creek Township (East) Map shows the intersection of Wasatch Boulevard and I80. At this intersection Wasatch merges with I215. You then have a choice of going East on I80 to Park City, West to Reno. If you stay heading north, you will pop out on Foothill Road.

Car and Truck Remotes

Context: City Streets