Pelican Vase (2008-04-25) This wonderful Pelican displays a bundle of Hen and Chicks.
Rocks Rule (2008-04-25) Rock Gardening is all about the Rocks.
Rock Garden Containers (2008-04-25) A sampling of rock garden containers.
Garden Wall (2008-04-25) Staggard rock walls make an ideal setting for rock gardens.
Astragalus utahensis (2008-04-25) Astragalus utahensis (aka Lady Slippers or Loco Weed) is Utah native plant and is a member of the pea family.
Indian Paintbrush (2008-04-25) Indian Paintbrush, a semi-parasitic plant, is one of the most difficult plants to grow in a garden.
Pepper like flower (2008-04-25) Interesting plant with hanging flowers
Tools of the Trade (2008-04-25) A collection of planting tubes.
Miniature Garden (2008-04-25) This homemade cement container houses a magical rock garden.
Garden Wall (2008-04-25) This interestingly designed garden wall has two walls held apart by a 4x4. Garden plants grow from wholes on the side of the outer wall.
Garden Design (2008-04-25) Designed to look simply like a gash in the lawn, this delightful garden includes hundreds of species including indian paintbrush and astragula.
Phlox hoodii ?? (2008-04-25) This container of phlox was one of the stars of the show.
Hen and Chicks (2008-04-25) Hen and Chicks bundle in the cracks of white rocks.
Living Stone (2008-04-25) Living Stones are a plant from Southern Africa.
Living Stone (2008-04-25) A young living stone.
Exotic Plant (2008-04-25) An exotic plant growing in a Salt Lake greenhouse.
Green House (2008-04-25) This greenhouse contains desert species that find Utah a bit too cold.
Emerging from the cracks (2008-04-25) The rock garden society is a club that takes joy in things that grow in the cracks of pavement.
Miniature Rock Gardens (2008-04-25) A line of cement pots contain carefully nurtured rock gardens.
Rock Garden (2008-04-25) Rock gardens allow for artistry in both the placement of stone and plant.
62 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 60-62
In my opinion, the rock garden is one of the highest form of the botanical arts. Masters of the art carefully reconstruct some of nature's most fragile ecosystems to grow plants from high alpine ridges and desert outcroppings.
The annual rock garden tour visits the gardens of the state's prize rock gardens. This year's tour was challenged a bit by the unseasonably cold Spring weather.