The Yard (2002-06-01) The Pendleton Pen lit up at night.
Pendleton Valley (2002-03-06) A picture from the drop into Pendleton on I84
Umatilla Plains (2002-03-06) The checkerboard pattern of the Umatilla plains
National Forest Depot (2002-03-06) The Umatilla National Forest office (near exit 209) has a good view of the valley.
Clock Tower (2002-03-06) The pendleton clock at the Umatilla County Courthouse was purchased in 1889. The tower was erected on the centennial in 1989.
Clock Works (2002-03-06) The centennial committee put the clock works in this class case so that we can enjoy the high quality craftsmanship put into the clock work.
County Courthouse (2002-03-06) A magnificent tree graces the Utamilla County Courthouse.
Clock Tower (2002-03-06) The Clock tower at the Umatilla County Courthouse.
Church of the Redeemer (2002-03-06) As I recall, this is the Epsicopal Church. There is an interesting branch in the center of the picture.
Methodist Church (2002-03-06) in Pendleton, Oregon
Methodist Church (2002-03-06)
Museum Statue (2002-03-06)
Byrd School (2002-03-06) The museum has several interesting structures including this old school house.
Chamber of Commerce (2002-03-06) The Chamber of Commerce is located in down town near the old train station. It is an excellent source of information on businesses and activities in the region.
After that Vapor Trail!!!! (2002-03-06)
Church of the Redeemer (2002-03-06)
Church of the Redeemer (2002-03-06)
Church of the Redeemer (2002-03-06)
Close Up (2002-03-06) I enjoyed the shadows of the trees and entrance to the church.
Pendleton Woolen Mills (2002-03-06)
80 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 60-80
I took these pictures of Pendleton during a vacation in early March 2002. My goal was to capture a little flavor of the town for the producers of the web site