Road to Moscow (2002-03-11) A picture of the country road between Pullman and Moscow.
Grain Towers (2002-03-11) The grain towers dominate the skyline of Moscow
Grain Towers (2002-03-11) You would walk by these when you go from the University for a cup of Joe in downtown.
Grain Towers (2002-03-11)
Studen Housing (2002-03-11) Apartments cling to a hill just east of the University. The population of the town rises and falls with the university calendar.
Interesting Shapes (2002-03-11) An interesting shape for an apartment. The tower of a church in the background.
Experiments in Architecture (2002-03-11) A Catholic Church in Moscow provides an interesting example of conic design.
Grain Towers (2002-03-11)
Downtown (2002-03-11)
City Hall (2002-03-11)
Red Square? (2002-03-11) As I recall, this is Moscow City Hall. So I assume that this cross walk is the Idaho version of red square.
City Building (2002-03-11)
Methodist Church (2002-03-11)
Moscow Bears (2002-03-11) The local highschool.
First United Methodist Church (2002-03-11)
First United Methodist Church (2002-03-11)
Old Moscow Highschool (2002-03-11) The old highschool appears to be undergoing a renovation.
Old Highschool (2002-03-11)
Public Library (2002-03-11) The city library is an interesting building. The old wing was a Carnegie Library. The new wing sings of the 70s US institutional style.
John Russell School (2002-03-11) An imposing set of steps leading to the John Russell Elementary School.
35 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-35