Jordan Landing is a new style mixed use shopping, office and residential complex off the Bangerter Highway in West Jordan. The complex is unique in that the shopping area houses several free standing box stores including Walmart, Sams Club, Kohls, Office Max, Pet Smart, etc.. Notably, Jordan Landind is home to the first Sears Grand Store, which includes several shelves of groceries among the main fare in the Sears line up.
With free standing box stores, you actually end up having to drive (or cross busy streets) to get from one store to another.
It is likely that the population of South Jordan will balloon from 85,000 people to 184,000 people in the next 50 years. The 2000 Census showed that the population of Salt Lake City proper was 181,743. Since Salt Lake has extreme tight zoning restrictions and is notoriously hostile to new business. West Jordan and West Valley City are likely to soon dwarf Salt Lake City in size and economic importance.