Disc Golf 1-13 Pictures Disc Golf (2010-04-16) Hole one at the Disc Golf Course at the University of Utah. Disc Golf in the Capital City (2010-04-16) The U of U Discgolf course offers a view of downtown and the State Capitol. 18th Hole (2010-04-16) The 18th hole on the U of Utah disc golf course in the Avenues. 17th Hole (2010-04-16) The 17th hole at the University of Utah Disc Golf course. Disc Golf Course (2010-04-16) The central mound of the disc golf course at the University of Utah offers a grand view of the city and surrounding mountains. Weathered Trees (2010-04-16) Weathered trees line the central ridge of the University of Utah disc golf course. Disc Golf and Playground (2010-05-09) There is a fun playground for the little kids and disc golf course for the bigger kids at this stop in Pocatello. Disc Golf (2010-05-09) Sister City Park sports a new disc golf course. Disc Golf Path (2010-05-09) A pathway between the tees of a Pocatello Disc golf course. Throwing Station (2010-05-09) A base of the disc golf course at Sister City Park. Disc Golf Hole (2010-05-09) Disc Golf does not require a major transformation of a park like traditional golf Tee Pad (2010-05-09) A row of cinder blocks marks the tee pads at the Sister City Disc Golf Course. Disc Golf Hole (2010-05-09) A disc golf hole in Sister City Park. 1-13 Pictures Disc Golf Disc Golf is a popular alternative sport. This page shos images of the disc golf courses I encounter on my world voyages. Context: Parks Skateparks (15 pictures) Pictures of SkateParks. Playgrounds of the World (61 pictures) Pictures of Playgrounds. Sister City Park (31 pictures) A took a quick walk around Sister City Park in Pocatello which features a disc golf course.