Geese (2002-05-31) Geese in the Salmon River outside North Fork.
Begging Attention (2002-03-11) Cross this line, I dare ya. Cross this line.
All The World s an Ice Cream Cone (2002-03-11) My squirrel friend stops for a bite to eat.
Mountain Sheep (2002-05-31) Mountain Sheep crossing the road down river for an afternoon drink.
Mountain Goats (2002-05-31) The mountain goats scurry up the slopes, as a rather callous tourist stops to take their picture.
Bear and Cub (2002-09-01) They've noticed the strange yellow long floating in the river with an ape like creature balanced on top.
Desert Wildlife (2002-09-01)
Bighorn Sheep (2002-09-01) Bighorn Sheep in Desolation Canyon.
Beach Toad (2002-09-01) A little critter in the sand.
Buffalo w. Calf (2006-06-19) A buffalo with calf in a farm between Rockport and Peoa.
Buffalo (2006-06-19) Member of a buffalo farm outside Peoa, Utah.
Buffalo (2006-06-19) "Human, that fence your leaning against is not as strong as you think." Says the buffalo as we engage in a human to beast stare down.
Mule Deer (2006-09-30) Mule Deer at Cedar Breaks.
Two Mule Deer (2006-09-30) A mother and fawn mule deer in the forest along the Alpine Trail.
Prairie Dogs (2007-05-25) There is a colony of Prairie Dogs on the East end of the Pedestrian Bridge. As I was walking with a dog myself, this is as close as I could get before they scurried into their hole.
Prairie Dog (2007-05-25) A prairie dog guards its hole in Green River, Wyoming.
Cat in a Cage (2009-12-10) I put this little lost kitty in a cage and took it down to an animal shelter to scan for a chip. For the chip system to work, people who find lost animals need to get the things scanned.
1-17 Pictures
Animals play important roles in our lives. Whenever I go on a hiking, boating trip or drive into the country, I am bound to run across some sort of wild creature. Without a good telephoto lens, the quality of the pics are not the best, but I gather the pictures I've taken here. Hopefully my animal photography skills will improve with time.