2003 Utah Arts Festival
39 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-39
2003 Utah Arts Festival in Salt Lake City offers something for everyone. The festival runs from June 19-22. The festival has two main stages with a continuous slate of bands and visual performances as well as a large collection of art booths and activities for kids.
Each year, the arts festival celebrates a different section of the city. The first festivals were in downtown Salt Lake. They moved to the newly constructed Triad Center, then had sojourned at the Utah Fair Ground. The 2002 Festival was in the Gallivan Center (a downtown hotspot for the 2002 Olympics). The 2003 festival has moved to the Square between the new Salt Lake Library and the historic City County Building.
Context: Events
- Salt Lake City (484 pictures) The Utah Arts Festival takes place in downtown Salt Lake City on the third week in June.
- UTA Trax (172 pictures) Avoid parking hassles, ride a bike or take Trax.
- Salt Lake City Library (92 pictures) The 2003 Arts Festival is in the new Library Square to the north of the New Salt Lake County Library.
- City County Building and Court House (44 pictures) The festival also claims the eastern half of the park at the City County Building.
- Gallivan Plaza (45 pictures) The 2002 Festival was held in the Gallivan Plaza in downtown Salt Lake.