Pioneer Days Parade 107 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 60-80 , 80-100 , 100-107 The Cowboy 104.3 KSOP (2007-07-23) A radio station at Pioneer Day Parade. Portable Climbing Wall (2007-07-23) A portable climbing wall at the parade. School Buses (2007-07-23) School buses haul in folks to the Days of 47 parade. Busing Them In (2007-07-23) A motorcoach buses in folks for the parade. Children at Play (2007-07-23) A fun statue with children playing in Liberty Park. Park Entrance (2007-07-23) Parade watchers line the entrance to Liberty Park. Display Booths (2007-07-23) Display booths for the Days of 47 Parade in Liberty Park. Pioneer Runners (2007-07-23) The Pioneer Parade is preceded by a 10k and 5k race. The Finish Line (2007-07-23) A runner in the Pioneer Day 10K reaches the finish line. Another Finisher (2007-07-23) Another runner finishes the Pioneer Day 10K. There were several other people photographing this runner. Posers (2007-07-23) The guy in a biege tie struck a pose when he saw the git with a camera. I suspect they are here to spread the word at the Powwow that Indians are actually a lost tribe of Isreal. Hula Hoopers (2007-07-23) This was really cool: A rock band was playing to a throng of pint sized hula hoopers at the Pioneer Day Parade. A Hoopla (2007-07-23) Another shot of the Hula Hoopers at Liberty Park. Pioneers (2007-07-23) Two pioneers look for a spot to see the parade. Race Route (2007-07-23) A radio announcer gives helpful directions to the runners at the end of the 10K. Salt Lake Police (2007-07-23) #1: The motorcycle squad of the Salt Lake Police Departments leads out the Pioneer Day Parade. Motorcycle Police (2007-07-23) #1: The motorcycle squad of the Salt Lake Police did a variety of formations at the front of the parade. Pioneer Courage (2007-07-23) The first sign calls for Pioneer Courage. The second sign notes that some of the Zoo Arts Parks tax was used on this event. The third sign is the Workers Compensation Fund which tries to protect folk from pioneer style risks. Pioneer Carts (2007-07-23) A line of pioneers pull their carts toward the finish line of the Pioneer Day Parade. I believe that this is the display of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. Flag Procession (2007-07-23) Everyone stood up for the flag procession; so I was only able to get one shot of this important part of the parade. 107 Pictures: 1-20 , 20-40 , 40-60 , 60-80 , 80-100 , 100-107 Pioneer Day Parade This gallery shows images from the 2007 Pioneer Day Parade in Salt Lake City. The parade starts in downtown and ended at Liberty Park. Context: Events Liberty Park (100 pictures) Additional Pictures of Liberty Park. Float Preview (60 pictures) This gallery shows images from the float preview of 2009. Native American Festival (5 pictures) Pictures of the Native American Festival that starts just after the parade. This is the Place Heritage Park (35 pictures) This is the Place Heritage Park is also a center for Pioneer Day activities.