This is a copy of the SQLblocks.php program that I made for a discussion on HIVE: 'INSERT INTO ','u'=>'UPDATE ', 'd'=>'DELETE FROM ','r'=>'REPLACE INTO '); public $stripTags=true; /** * __construct defines the table and command for the SQL Statement. * @PARAM string $cmd is 1st letter of 'I'NSERT, 'R'EPLACE, 'U'PDATE or 'D'ELETE * NOTE: I like pass the whole word to make my program clear. * @PARAM string $table is the name of the Table to modify. * @PARAM string $dbi is the database containing the table. */ function __construct ($cmd, $table, $dbi=DB_MAIN) { $this->command = strtolower(substr($cmd,0,1)); if (!isset($this->actions[$this->command])) msgError('Invalid command '.$cmd); $this->table = $table; $this->dbi = $dbi; $sqlStr = ''; // This is the main SQL Statement $valStr = ''; // The VALUES section for INSERT and REPLACE. $whereStr=''; // The WHERE string for an UPDATE Statement. $this->colCnt=0; $this->delimiter=' '; // changes to a comma after first value $this->limit=null; // You can limit affected rows of an UPDATE statementi } /** * defColumn() defines a column for query and validates the data. * NOTE, you must add the data before defining the column! * @PARAM string $colName is the name of the column in the Table. * @PARAM mixed $required is a directive for the column. * values can be true, false, "y", "n" or "w" * "w" means the value is in the WHERE clause. * @PARAM string $type is the data type of the column * @PARAM mixed $w_or_len is either 'w' indicating that variable is part of * the key in WHERE clause or maximum length of the column. */ public function defColumn($colName, $req=false, $type='str', $max=0, $val=null) { // the format of $colArr is // [colName, required, type, max, dataSource, val] // if value is null, set the datasource to p for $_POST. $reqStr = ''.$colName.' is a required field'; if (is_string($req)) { if ($req=='') { $req=false; } elseif (strlen($req) == 1) { $req = in_array(substr($req,0,1),['y','Y','t','T','r','R']); } else { // if there is more than one spaces assume req is a whole sentence. $reqStr = (substr_count($req,' ') < 2)? '"'.$req.'" is a required field.' : $req; $req = true; } } $dsrc = (is_null($val))? 'p': 'v'; if ($colName == 'where') { // separates UPDATE SET and WHERE clause. // not needed on Delete as everything is in WHERE. $type = 'where'; } elseif ($type == 'now') { $type = 'str'; // it is really a float $val = $GLOBALS['rmSite']->jd; } elseif ($type=='today') { $type = 'int'; $val = floor($GLOBALS['rmSite']->jd + .5); } elseif ($type=='site') { $type = 'int'; $val = $GLOBALS['rmSite']->id; } elseif ($type=='user') { $type = 'int'; $dsrc='v'; $val = $GLOBALS['rmUser']->id; } elseif ($type=='ip') { $type = 'ip'; $val = $GLOBALS['rmIP']->id; } elseif ($type=='sess') { $type = 'int'; $val = $GLOBALS['rmUser']->session; } elseif ($dsrc=='p') { // the data is found in $_POST. if (isset($_POST[$colName])) { if ($req && $_POST[$colName] == '') msgError($reqStr); if ($type == 'int') { // cast to int and put data in $val. $val = (int) $_POST[$colName]; $dsrc = 'v'; if ($max > 0 && $val > $max) msgError(''.$colName.' is greater than maximum value '.$max); } elseif ($type=='color') { $type='int'; $val = hexdec($_POST[$colName]); // strip off the # msgNote('Col is '.$_POST[$colName].' = '.$val); } elseif ($type=='date') { $dtArr = explode('-',$_POST[$colName]); $val = 0; if (isset($dtArr[2])) { // gregoriantojd ( int $month , int $day , int $year ) $val = gregoriantojd( (int) $dtArr[1], (int) $dtArr[2], (int) $dtArr[0]); msgNote('Browser date '.$_POST[$colName].' translated to Julianday '.$val); } } else { if ($max > 0 && strlen($_POST[$colName]) > $max) msgError('The maximum length of '.$colName.' is '.$max.' characters.'); } } else { if ($req) msgError($reqStr); $dsrc = 'v'; // change dataSource to 'v' so we don't check $_POST again. // I prefer having 0 to null in integer fields. $val = ($type=='int')? 0 : ''; } } else { if ($type == 'int') { // cast the value to int. $val = (int) $val; if ($max > 0 && $val > $max) msgError(''.$colName.' is greater than maximum value '.$max); } elseif ($type=='color') { $type='int'; $val = hexdec($val); // strip off the # } else { if ($max > 0 && strlen($_POST[$colName]) > $max) msgError('The maximum length of '.$colName.' is '.$max.' characters.'); } } if ($val !== null) $dsrc = 'v'; if ($colName != '') $this->colArr[$this->colCnt++] = [$colName, $req, $type, $max, $dsrc, $val, ($type=='html')? false : $this->stripTags]; return $val; } public function addCol($colName, $val, $type='str', $req=false, $max=0) { $this->defColumn($colName, $req, $type, $max, $val); } /** * addColumn() is the same as defColumn, with parameters in a different order. */ public function addColumn($colName, $val, $type='str', $max=0, $req=false) { $this->defColumn($colName, $req, $type, $max, $val); } /** * addBlock() will take a delimited string and add a block of columns. * The program calls defColum() with each row in the block. * @PARAM string $block is a formatted block defining multiple columns * @PARAM string $delim is the data elimiter for the block. * @PARAM string $lineDelim is the line delimiter for the block. */ public function addBlock($block, $delim=',', $lineDelim = PHP_EOL) { $tok = strtok($block, $lineDelim); while ($tok !== false) { list($colName, $required, $type, $max, $val) = explode($delim,rtrim($tok).$delim.$delim.$delim.$delim); if ($val=='') $val = null; $this->defColumn($colName, $required, $type, $max, $val); $tok = strtok($lineDelim); } } /** * getSQL() produces the SQL with marked variables. * @return program returns a SQL statement. */ public function getSQL() { $rv = ''; $delim = ''; $inSetDef= ($this->command == 'u')? true : false; $valStr = ''; // used on INSERT and REPLACE if ($this->command == 'd') { $rv = ($this->whereStr != '')? '' : 'DELETE FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '; } elseif ($this->command == 'u') { $rv = 'UPDATE '.$this->table.' SET '; } elseif ($this->command == 'i') { $rv = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->table.' ('; $valStr = ') VALUES ('; } elseif ($this->command == 'r') { $rv = 'REPLACE INTO '.$this->table.' ('; $valStr = ') VALUES ('; } else { msgError('Invalid Command '.$this->command); } // it is cleaner to process INSERT and UPDATE in different loops. if ($this->command == 'i' or $this->command == 'r') { for ($i=0; $i<$this->colCnt; $i++) { $rv .= $delim.$this->colArr[$i][0]; $valStr .= $delim.':'.$this->colArr[$i][0]; if ($delim == '') $delim = ', '; } $valStr .= ')'; } elseif ($this->command == 'u' or $this->command == 'd') { $delim = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$this->colCnt; $i++) { if ($this->colArr[$i][0] == 'where') { $inSetDef = false; $delim = ''; $rv .= ' WHERE '; } else { $rv .= $delim.$this->colArr[$i][0].' = '.':'.$this->colArr[$i][0]; if ($delim == '') { $delim = ($inSetDef)? ', ' : ' and '; } } } // There was no where clause in this statement. // to avoid whole table operations set $sql to ''; if ($delim != ' and ') { msgError('No Where Clause in SQL:
'); } } return $rv.$valStr; } /** * exec() calls sqlExec with built statement to execute the SQL * @param string $successMsg is displayed on success. * @param string $errMsg is displayed on error. * @param string $logFile will hold error messages for admin. */ public function exec($successMsg='',$errMsg='',$logFile='') { $rv = -1; if (msgOkay()) { try { $sql = $this->getSQL(); $st = dbConn($this->dbi,$sql); if ($st === false) { msgError('PDO Prepare Failed'); msgError(dbConn($this->dbi,DB_ERRORS)); } else { // bind values for ($i=0; $i<$this->colCnt; $i++) { if ($this->colArr[$i][4] == 'v') { $pdoType = ($this->colArr[$i][2] == 'int')? PDO::PARAM_INT : PDO::PARAM_STR; $st->bindValue($this->colArr[$i][0],$this->colArr[$i][5],$pdoType); } elseif ($this->colArr[$i][0] == 'where') { // skip } elseif ($this->colArr[$i][4] == 'p') { if ($this->colArr[$i][6]) { $st->bindValue($this->colArr[$i][0],strip_tags($_POST[$this->colArr[$i][0]])); } else { $st->bindValue($this->colArr[$i][0],$_POST[$this->colArr[$i][0]]); } } // skip this row. } // msgNote('Executing SQL'); $stx = $st->execute(); if ($stx===false) { msgError('PDO Statement Failed.'); msgComment(implode('
',$st->errorInfo())); msgComment('SQL: '.$sql); // $st->debugDumpParams(); } else { $exId = dbConn($this->dbi,DB_INSERT_ID); $exCnt = $st->rowCount(); if ($successMsg != '') msgNote(str_replace(['%ID','%CNT'],[$exId,$exCnt],$successMsg)); $rv = ($this->command == 'i')? $exId : $exCnt; } } } catch (PDOException $e) { msgError('PDO Error '.$e->getMessage()); } } // if (strtolower($log) != '') $this->log($logFile); return $rv; } } ?>