Memory Grove Park

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Memory Grove Park

Memory Grove Park sits at the base of City Creek Canyon just outside Salt Lake City. The park contains a variety of memorials to Utah war veterans along with a series of hiking trails which wind through the state's arboretum. There are off leash areas just above the main park.

One of the best ways to explore Salt Lake is to take Trax to the main Crossroads stop in downtown. There is a system of sidewalks and trails that pass Temple Square then follow City Creek along Canyon Drive to Memorial Grove Park. A network of trails cross then park then follows the creek up into City Creek Canyon. City Creek Canyon gradually winds its way into the alpine wilderness of the Wasatch Mountains.

This is one of my favorite walks as it involves a train ride, and features both urban and mountain terrain. Quite frankly, the thing I like best about Salt Lake City is that it is easy to get out of the city.

See Salt Lake Sites for Events in Memory Grove and City Creek Canyon.

Context: Parks - Utah